2014. nov. 13.
This fantasy hack & slash was released in 2001, and it became a classic by today. In those days the game’s top graphics held a lot of players spellbound. As I see it today, there are only a few products which are able to give such mood and experience as Severance did. This short article was written in 2005 (and this is why it’s so short) when I bought the game in a “Bestsellers” pack with Colin McRae 2 and Insane. As a big fan of speed I was just flipped at the pictures from Severance on the cover, but I said: “Why not? There is enough room on the shelves and I bought the pack for the racing games.” Soon I thought otherwise. I let the game take a chance on me, and Mr Colin stayed on the shelf till the end of that summer, because I wanted to complete Severance. A lot of people says that don’t be alone when you are playing a horror-fantasy FPS, because you will regret it. And they were true: Thanks to the sound and visual effects sometimes I really kicked the legs of the computer desk, or walking in the damp crypts I found myself squeezing the mouse with sweating hand. But don’t run forward so much! Severance: Blade of Darkness had a big red circle with 18+ inscribed when it get to the shops, marking aggression, violence and scaring content. This rating is correct, although today its old graphics is decreasing its scariness greatly. This is a fantasy action game with FPS or TPS (you can change it) point of view, in which you have to fight yourself through several levels, a heap of opponents and some traps to reach the main villain and save the world, as it is fitting to a good hero. It has a standard story and appearance, but the world and its mood can charm the player easily. You can choose between four characters. There are a dwarf warrior, a barbarian, a knight and an elf-like amazon. Evidently, they are from different races and classes, so they are skilled in different fighting styles, they use different weapons. They are advancing...
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